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100GB free / 10 €/TB

remote backups

Flexible Backup Space for Every Need: Borg, rsync, ProxmoxVE and Proxmox Backup Server

A easy-to-use solution for your backups

We've built a reliable solution for your backup needs. A sleek UI combined with powerful features to make it easy to use

Shared features

These features are the building base

  • Deduplication
  • Dynamic pricing
  • Easy-to-use interface
Proxmox Backup Server

Optimized for Proxmox Backup Server Users

  • Deduplication for efficient storage
  • Prune jobs for retention managment
  • Remote synchronization for geo-redundancy

Seamless Backups for Your Virtual Machines

  • Direct integration with ProxmoxVE environments
  • Store VM and Container backups securely offsite

Efficient Backups with Borg

  • Leverage Borg's deduplication and encryption
  • Easily configure repositories for remote storage

Flexible File-Based Backups with rsync

  • Use existing rsync workflows over SSH
  • Securely transfer files to remote storage

Start for free,
scale as you go

You can start with 100GB for free and scale as you need. You only pay for the size of the datastore, so you can scale it dynamically depending on the amount of backups you want to save!

  • Autoscaling for dynamic usage
  • Notification emails for autoscaling events
  • Usage-Based billing so you only pay by the hour

Keep an overview

We've built a log system combined with email notifications, so you can get notified if something goes wrong.

  • Configure notification types
  • Configure success and failure notifications from jobs
  • See and tail logs directly in the interface

Pricing Plans

Balance Bonus: 20% on Every Prepaid Top-Up!

Our pricing model is dynamic, so you only pay for what you use. We try to be as transparent as we can to give you the fairest price possible.


100GB Free
  • 100GB Free forever
  • Notifications via Email
  • Logs in Dashboard
  • Prune Jobs
  • Unlimited Remotes
  • Unlimited Sync Jobs
  • 5 VPN Connections


  • Notifications via Email
  • Logs in Dashboard
  • Prune Jobs
  • Unlimited Remotes
  • Unlimited Sync Jobs
  • 5 VPN Connections

Meet Bob.

Meet Bob, a well-meaning IT specialist who learned the hard way about backups. His data was like a single egg in one basket—fragile and vulnerable. But then he discovered the magical 3-2-1 rule: 3 copies of his data, on 2 different types of media, with 1 offsite.

Determined to prevent such tragedies, Bob mastered the 3-2-1 rule:

  1. Copies: Three separate copies for extra safety.
  2. Types of Media: External hard drives and cloud storage for diversity.
  3. Offsite: At least one copy stored securely offsite.

With his newfound knowledge, Bob became known as the Backup Hero. He saved his company from numerous data disasters and helped others implement robust backup strategies. His mantra? "Backup like your life depends on it, because it does!"

Take Bob's Advice:

Ensure you have three copies of your data, on two different types of media, with one offsite. It's simple, yet powerful. Start securing your digital future today!

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